+91-93544 46520

Disclaimer Statement of Writers Crew

Writers Crew was actually formed as a service provider to offer writing services for various industries. The information provided in our website writerscrew.com was to promote our service and all the information provided here are up to date and correct.

We make no guarantees, representations and/or warranties of any kind, either explicit or implicit, direct or indirect about the completeness, accuracy, suitability, reliability or availability with respect to the website.

We also disclose no warranties or guarantees for any products, services related to writerscrew.com website. Any actions that you perform on our website is at your sole risk and you hereby agree that you will take the complete responsibility.

You also free writerscrew.com for any or all means of losses, liabilities either direct or indirect and/or in any means.

We may link to another website for information and guidance for our audience. Generally, we do not have any control over third party websites or products or services, and hence the use of those services or products are completely at our visitor’s risk.

Writers crew does not hold any responsibility for any means of losses that arise by using any of the third-party services or products.